Let’s create your website

Your business needs a website!

More than a web presence that looks good, your business deserves a business building asset. An asset working  24 hours a day, 365 days a year to share your genius and connect to your ideal client.

At Digital Building Blocks we work with start up business owners like you to communicate your business and brand values, to encourage visitors  to connect with you, and to magnify your impact.

Look Great

We work together to design a website which truly represents your business.
The tools we use enable you to show up the way you want and is appropriate to your brand and strategy.


We work with you to clarify your message and communicate it quickly, simply and consistently. 
We support you with tools and process to become really clear

Attract Your Clients

Branding, design, messaging and strategy all combine to create a website (and online presence)  which will appeal to your ideal client and invite them to connect with your business.

Hi, I’m Jacqui Owen

Website Design | Online Strategy | Founder Digital Building Blocks

With 20+ years experience creating and testing websites for small business I have learned alot about what works!

Rarely is this the latest trend or complicated infrastructure.
What works is simplicity & clarity, so lets talk and create a strategy for your website and online presence.

Let’s simplify your message, let’s clarify your clients journey and let’s select the right business tools to support and grow your business!

Let’s get your website working!

*image by Fiona Little

Jacqui is so much more than my web developer. As a small business owner myself I try to do way more tech than I really can, and she is my tech backbone, saviour and support. Nothing about my website, email setup, hosting, or trouble shooting is too hard and I don’t know where I would be without her. I wholeheartedly recommend her to everyone.

Beth Baldwin

Beth Baldwin Copywriter

I have known Jacqui for a couple of years now. She has built two websites for me, hosts them and helps me manage them. She is approachable, creative and is great in understanding my business needs. Apart from her web building skill, technical knowledge, aesthetics and eye for detail which are exceptional, what has stood out for me is her responsiveness, her commitment and passion to help me deal with ANY issues in relation to the website. I dont think there has been a time in the last two years when I have had to follow up on a request for information or support. She is now my ‘go to’ for all things related to websites, technology or socials. I would highly recommend Jacqui to anyone who is interested in having an exceptional web host/ designer and someone who is also friendly and highly reliable.

Thank you Jacqui for your support.

Raji Samprathi

Holistic Counsellor & Naturopath

I am pleased to highly recommend Jacqui for website design, development, and hosting services.

When working with Jacqui on your website, you will always feel heard and confident that she will address all your concerns and provide support whenever you have questions or uncertainties.

Jacqui takes the time to thoroughly understand your business, enabling her to create a website that effectively communicates your message to potential customers.

In terms of website development, Jacqui is highly skilled and knowledgeable.

Regarding hosting, Jacqui is exceptionally responsive to all your support needs, ensuring that your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

Patricia Falcetta OAM

Founder Social Living Solutions / Neuro Diversity Keynote Speaker

Digital Building Blocks for a website that works

Brand Clarity & Development

Clear branding speaks to your ideal client , enables you to show up consistently and gives your clarity when creating content

Website Design and Development

A website will clearly communicate your offer, let visitors to the site know the next step and encourage them take it.

Mailing List Setup and Integration

Nurture your clients and build a digital business asset.
Mailing Lists are an optimal way to stay connected

Brand Clarity & Development

Clear branding speaks to your ideal client , enables you to show up consistently and gives your clarity when creating content

Website Design and Development

A website will clearly communicate your offer, let visitors to the site know the next step and encourage them take it.

Mailing List Setup and Integration

Nurture your clients and build a digital business asset.
Mailing Lists are an optimal way to stay connected

Digital Building Blocks is your ongoing partner

Web Hosting, Maintenance, Reports and Strategy Sessions

Once your business website is completed and launched we are still here for you.
We offer ongoing support and reviews, as well as web hosting and maintenance packages.

What to expect

  • Straightforward advice
  • Honest feedback and guidance
  • Value for investment
  • Easy access to our responsive team
  • Clear communication
  • Flexibility to work to your timelines
  • Collaborative process
  • A website you own and control
  • Customised design
  • Responsive layouts
  • SEO 0ptimisation
  • Analytics
  • Ongoing support
  • Ability to update site yourself

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with WordPress?

Yes, in fact WordPress is our preferred option as it gives your business total control over your website.
We also use the Divi theme to enable you to update your website yourself through the inuitive on page interface.

Will I be able to update my website myself?

Absolutely. As a business owner we believe and will support you to control and maintain your business assets.
We offer training as part of our Website offers and offer workshops to extend your knowledge.

Do you offer Web Hosting?

Yes! We host websites on secure servers located in Brisbane or servers hosted in Sydney.
We recommend our Brisbane based servers to clients with a mainly Australian audience and our Sydney servers to clients with a global audience.

Hosting in Australia to Australian audiences offers higher speeds, an SEO performance increase and lowers your carbon footprint. Our Brisbane servers are carbon offset.

How much does a website cost?

It depends on what your website requirements are and we will provide a quote before entering into a contract with you.
To give you an idea though, pricing price for a 1 page brochure site starts at $1200 and a 5 page website starts at $4000.

How long will it take to build my website?

This depends on the scope of the project.
Once all of the content is received it generally takes 3 weeks for a 1 page site, 6 weeks for a 5 page site.

What is your website challenge right now?

I am ready to create my first website and would like support

You are in the right place!

Often creating your website is the first time you are communicating the whole of your business. This can be overwhelming!

Our processes help you communicate your business offerings and values clearly and simply.

Let’s have a chat.

I have an established business and am clearer on my offering

You are in the right place!

You have been in business for a while, are clearer on who your clients are and what your businesses’ super powers are.

We can help you develop and impement strategies to take your business to the next level.

Let’s explore next steps.

I have a website and want to add more functionality

You are in the right place!

This is an exciting stage of your business, it is growing and it is now time to simplify processes and automate.

We can help with automations and online systems to simplify and amplify your business.

Let’s discuss options and get excited!

Let’s create your website today